- zeroanodino - Mechinal (frecuencia modular)
- Lady Parts - Malala Made Me Do It (We Are Lady Parts)
- Labi Siffre - I Got The... (1975)
- Creepy Nuts - Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
- Sïan Able - Back To The Sun
- The Temptations - Papa Was A Rollin' Stone (1972)
- Rufus Thomas - Breakdown (1972)
- Harumo Imai feat. Iamciti - Dolce Vita
- Lumii Dolla & Harumo Imai - Lies
- Juna Serita Feat. Harumo Imai - Turn It Up
- LASS - Passeport
- LASS feat. Roberto Fonseca - Sory
- Nanpa Básico, Lia Kali feat. PMP - Peor Que La Policía
- Musafilly Jobarteh - Wakilo
Enlaces de Interés:
- https://elpais.com/ciencia/2025-01-22/descubren-un-trino-misterioso-que-llega-desde-el-espacio-exterior.html
- Lady Parts - Malala Made Me Do It [Original Song] | We Are Lady Parts | Channel 4 Comedy
- Lady Parts – Malala Made Me Do It Lyrics
- https://ehz.eus/ehz2024/ezezez/
- Festival WATTSTAX - 1972 - Rufus Thomas - Breakdown
- https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wattstax
- https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disturbios_de_Watts
- https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/le-mur-du-son/le-mur-du-son-du-mercredi-27-octobre-2021-7624275
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